Establishing an RTO to unlock opportunities
Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and breaking the chains of limitations that many in the community faced.
Education is the key to unlocking opportunities and breaking the chains of limitations that many in the community faced.
Providing leadership can sometimes be a stress full thing. Maybe that is why some people stop doing it even though it is needed. RTO’s need leadership. They need to have a sense of direction, rather than just bouncing between training course after training course. People are stressed, and working hard. People are also resigning, and that causes problems and delays for RTOs. Whilst there are so many theories on leadership and people telling you what you should and shouldn’t do, I have found with my clients, and myself that the truth to leadership is being true to yourself. Being true to yourself, and communicating your truth. When you are being true to yourself, you are completely honest with what you feel, deeply value, and desire. It means communicating your feelings wholeheartedly both with yourself and others, allowing your truth to flow through you and into the world. It means being true to ourselves and living with authenticity and integrity, and from this place you cultivate a deep and trusting relationship with yourself and others. Good communication skills set you and your RTO apart when others fall short. It is these skills that help you to ensure those around you are aware of what they need and need to do to achieve your RTO goals. Your RTO is your dream, that dream will only be achieved if you communicate what it is to others who are there to support you. I speak to so many RTO owners who have a great passion for their industry, a passion that held true long enough for them to set up their RTO. That passion though can get bent when things don’t go well in your business. By communicating your values you inspire employees to do their best and stay in the company. Telling stories that inspire and motivate the team engage them in their initiatives and to achieve your quarterly goals. You want your staff loving their work, loving what they do, showing you how they share your dream. You’re looking to have an RTO where students love being in your courses, and telling others how amazing your RTO is. The ability to communicate your business goals clearly and to share what is needed to be done for the organisation is one of the most important leadership skills used across worldwide companies. Yet I see in RTO’s that this step is so often missed. Successful leaders listen to themselves and understand what is being said, and how it is being said. Listening to your inner voice that guides you forward in about being responsible. Making sure it is not putting you down, or your thoughts are stopping you from moving forward. Treat yourself with curiosity and kindness. When you communicate you do it to engage listeners, gain enthusiasm and ultimately create bonds of trust between your team and you. Great leaders STOP and listen to their staff as they speak in order to move their business forward. By listening to others including your team you can find out more about them, what they want, how you can get them involved more in projects, or challenge them. This is what keeps people working for you, and enjoying their work. They want to feel empowered and valued. They deserve to be listened to. They also listen to their stakeholders, their clients and what they want. Even if you have listened to them two years ago, chances are, that is no longer their desire. With all the changes happening in the world, clients now look at training in a different way. I know a strong desire from my consulting and coaching of RTO’s and other businesses people are looking for shorter courses. Less is more. Instead RTO leaders are running around gathering information, jumping onto the next best thing and running, dragging their staff along behind them. This causes staff to burn out and at worst leave. Listening brings clarity and the ability to work together, understanding of problems, and to know what is needed to move the business forward in its strategy. They know how to listen and give honest and empathetic feedback to help people open up about work issues. Maybe even this listening will show you that the target has been moved, and now your ideal student is someone else! Great RTO leaders accept responsibility. When you take control of your attitude, you become able to better understand what is around you. Being empathetic, showing the behaviour you want from your team, and taking responsibility for your actions will show up positively in your team and results. People will want to stay in your RTO and support your dream. Being responsible means defining the responsibilities of each team member and guiding them in ways to achieve that role. Recognising and acknowledging each team member’s accomplishments, will inspire others to do the same. When you next want to add to your teams already huge tasks, ask yourself the following questions: Asking questions like these allows us to see the answers and how we can lead our RTO forward from where we currently are. Listen to the need for your own mental health. You might need to take some time off, a day or a week, to do something fun. Taking a break helps to listen to your heart and your gut, and the answers will flow naturally. How can you think differently with your RTO? Change will happen. The key is in your communication and listening skills. Find this interesting ? GET BETTER RESULTS BY contacting us TODAY! Book a FREE call to see how Merinda can help you Online for free . Book now. Book now
To successfully develop a serious business you need specific information that has been put into systems. To successfully develop a serious RTO business you need systems; a process, a practice by which to obtain that information and once obtained, a method with which to put that information to use in your business productively.
There are numerous factors to consider, so I’d like to offer a guide to help simplify your decision-making process. This article covers so many aspects. Starting at the approach of thoroughly evaluating all the potential advantages and disadvantages of buying an RTO before making your final decision. Have a look and see what not to miss
It is not mandatory that you map to the unit of competence. It is however mandatory that you demonstrate how you will meet the unit of competence. Therefore most RTOs undertake mapping.
Research is vital in developing a clear picture of your customers’ needs and contributes to the development of your business plan.
It is always a good idea to go out and do your own research and come to your own well evidenced conclusion! Ultimately, mapping should be just one way you are ensuring that your training and assessment are meeting the required standards and ensuring high quality outcomes for your RTO and more importantly, your students! Quality training and assessment leads to quality outcomes.
Setting up an RTO starts with planning. The foundation of a successful RTO service is really understanding the demographics that the service appeals to. Who are the people you will attract into your RTO? Where do they live, who do they interact with; are they old, young, men, women; do they enjoy certain activities?
It’s not just the TAS that needs to reflect the RTO Industry consultation.
RTOs also need to have their resources for training and assessment validated through consultation with industry.
When you decide to become an RTO there is allot for you to consider. RTO set up is no longer an easy process where you decide to have an RTO, apply the next day, become registered in a few months, and start your business.
Fees and charges relief for RTOs.
ASQA will waive or reimburse some fees and charges for VET providers and accredited course owners.
RTO Leaders must lead with transparency, consistency, take action to create stability within the business and continue to deliver quality services despite the level of disruptive change.
Your RTO registration is reliant on 5 key steps. See how ASQA supports you with their checklist.
ASQA has provided a printable checklist to ensure RTO providers can stay current with key 2019 dates.
My philosophy is to mentor and coach people so they can run there RTO without calling me every week. Therefore I will coach you through the process, and not do the process.
The training function within the RTO must be at the centre of this evolution, with skilled learning professionals leading the way. We are the experts, and we need to show everyone else how things are done.
A RTO internal audit is essential for any quality management system, and RTOs especially need to see they are every bit as important as external audits.
Continuous improvement of RTO systems is an area that RTO’s often fall down in according to my conversations with accrediting bodies. It is about taking a really hard look at your practices and relating them back to the RTO Standards.
Giving feedback is just as beneficial as receiving feedback, because it makes us think, reflect, and consider other views as well. How do you use feedback?
Are you reflective? Or do you dismiss it as someone having a bad day?
Here Merinda considers ways for you to use it to your advantage.
What others say about working with RTO Mentor over the years. Words from people who achieved RTO Inital registration using RTO Mentor, who have had internal audits, and had coaching with Merinda. See them here.
When you intend to set up an RTO you are faced with many decisions. Often we find that these decisions require magical explainations.
Assessment validation is a quality review process – one that is needed within your RTO. It involves a person or a team of people evaluating assessment tools and the ensuing student evidence.
An internal audit can help guide you to understand the areas you are most at risk. Risk is very much the focus for all organisations nowadays and RTOs are not excluded. So how do you know if you are ticking all the right boxes and reducing your risk?
This post looks at your assessment systems, tools and evidnce to be collected. All important aspects of your RTO compliance. It has been updated in April 2021, and is current to the auditng needs.
Assessment systems are incremental in your RTO. There should be method in your madness when developing them. Meaning you should consider the student, the length of the course and any other factors that need to be considered for your learners. When collecting assessment evidence is isn’t just to show the end result.
Have you been searching for an RTO consultant?
This morning I heard another similar story to 3 others I heard in the past 2 days. Where the person had paid a large amount of money to an RTO consultant and had got a raw deal.
Your TAS document that you present says nothing in particular and was put together just to meet and audit many moons ago. The big thing is, it is NOT compliant now. It hasn’t been updated and this means during your next audit it wont pass. You need to make changes to it right now.
Your RTO Success comes from the effort of you and your team. Recently I was reading an article written by a fellow consultant about the new Trainer and Assessor TAE requirements.
RTO complaints in your RTO are not the worst thing that can happen. Sometimes you could consider them as negative and unwelcome, and they certainly can create stress a bad feeling. Consider you complaints as an opportunity to put things right and learn for the future too. It is the way you look at them that counts.
Lets face it setting up your RTO is a huge commitment. Fear in starting the process to set up your RTO is normal. When everything is aligned some of us step right up get going straight away.
TAE qualification requirements for trainers and assessors effective from 1 April 2019.