RTO Setup – The Best Time to Plant a Tree is Now
The decision to set up and embark on the journey of setting up your RTO can be daunting. There are countless what-ifs, worries, and fears that can plague the mind of a prospective RTO owner. However, amidst these uncertainties, one thing remains certain: the best time to plant the seeds of your RTO venture is now. In my years of running my consultancy, I’ve had numerous conversations with individuals interested in developing their own RTO. Surprisingly, many of them choose to postpone their plans following our initial discussion. They adopt a “wait and see” approach, hoping for the perfect moment to take action. However, time passes, and after 2, 3, or even 5 years, some return, saying, “Remember me?” And indeed, I do. The reality is, while they were waiting, the landscape of RTO standards and regulations has evolved significantly. Their ideas, were once a feasible endeavour and the delay now presents new challenges and complexities. Compliance requirements have become more stringent, regulatory bodies have implemented changes, and the process of establishing an RTO has become more demanding. The window of opportunity they had envisioned may have closed, leaving them scrambling to catch up with the latest requirements and expectations. However, all hope is not lost. With the right guidance and determination, it’s still possible to navigate these challenges and realize their dream of owning and operating a successful RTO. You can’t alter the past; what’s done is done. Whether it’s been 20 years or 20 minutes since you first considered starting your own RTO, dwelling on missed opportunities or past hesitations serves no purpose other than to hinder progress. Regretting missed chances only serves to dampen your spirits and diminish the likelihood of taking action in the present moment. It’s natural for the brain to resist change. Just like the reluctance you might feel towards going for a run or hitting the gym, despite knowing the benefits it brings, your brain will conjure up all sorts of reasons why you shouldn’t embark on this new journey. It will present you with an array of fears, doubts, and uncertainties, all designed to keep you within your comfort zone. But here’s the truth: those fears are just illusions. Your brain is wired to seek comfort and avoid risk, even if change is ultimately the best thing for you. The time to challenge these fears and take action is now. The longer you wait, the more power you give to those doubts and the less likely you are to make a change. Setting up an RTO is undoubtedly a significant undertaking, but it’s also a rewarding one. It’s a chance to make a positive impact on the lives of learners, contribute to the development of skills and knowledge in your community, and create a business that aligns with your values and passions. The lesson here is clear: procrastination only leads to missed opportunities and increased difficulty down the road. Instead of waiting for the perfect moment, it’s essential to seize the opportunity when it presents itself. By taking decisive action and seeking expert assistance early on, aspiring RTO owners can position themselves for success and avoid unnecessary setbacks caused by changes in regulations and standards. It’s never too late to start. So, seize the moment. Embrace the uncertainty and the fear, knowing that on the other side lies growth, fulfillment, and success. The time to plant the seeds of your RTO venture is now. Take that first step, and watch as your dreams begin to take root and flourish. The time to act is now. Remember, the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.