It might seem an unlikely analogy, but when you think about it, setting up an RTO is like a game of footy. Bear with me, as I think it’s a great one.
When I say footy, I mean it in a collective sense for AFL, Soccer, Rugby League, even hockey, or any other ball game because the principles are the same. To win the game, you need to analyse your opposition, know the rules of the game, and develop a strategy to win the contest. The same principles apply in setting up your RTO business.
As is a game, an RTO is a structured business. This means that you must do two things: provide an orderly environment and make sure that the environment generates an income.
Analyse Your Opposition
Prior to any game, the coach spends time analysing the opposition. They look at their track record, research the players and find their strengths and weaknesses. With that information, the coach develops ideas on how to minimise their strengths and exploit their weaknesses.
Just like an RTO you need to research your opposition and talk to industry to understand their needs.
Can you imagine how successful any sporting team would be without this research? The lesson for an RTO here is – don’t even think about submitting your RTO application without doing the groundwork or you are setting yourself up to get beaten.
Know the rules of the game
You wouldn’t just step onto the field and start playing footy. You need to know the rules, how to work within them, how they apply to your situation, and what to do when it seems there is a brick wall in front of you. Just like knowing the RTO Standards.
Mind you, just knowing the rules of a game doesn’t guarantee a win. All the rules requires judgment and finesse. And the payoff that comes from successfully applying them is what keeps us all going.
Develop the Strategy to win the contest
Now that you’ve analysed your opposition, you’ve learnt the rules, and established a rhythm to complete the project – you must develop the strategy to win the competition. How are you going to work with the rules for your situation?
How are you going to differentiate your products and give them the opportunity to stand out to your marketplace? By doing this you can own a piece of the market that nobody else does.
Establish a rhythm when setting up your RTO.
Just as in footy you need to embrace the grind, put in the hours to get fit, to know the players rules and to improve on your game. Simply put, you need to put in long hours to get the best possible result.
Just as important as effective rules is an intuitive sense of rhythm in a game. The rhythm of a good game, moreover, comes from a clear beginning, middle, and end. In a well-structured game, players can feel the shift occurring from one of these segments to the next. When setting up an RTO it is the same. Have goals, and know when you are at certain points. It helps with maintaining the confidence and motivation of your team.
Whatever gets in your way, make sure you keep your eye on the prize.
RTO Business owners are a special breed with a steely resolve. If they can just see this tough patch out and continue to grind out wins, finals will become a reality.
Don’t let these hurdles distract you from your ultimate RTO business goal. The best teams, don’t.
During these times, it’s important to have faith in your routines and structures. Stick to what makes your business successful and don’t waiver.
Check out my posts ALL relating to RTO set up:
What is the future for RTOs in 2019 and beyond?
The training function within the RTO must be at the centre of this evolution, with skilled learning professionals leading the way. We are the experts, and we need to show everyone else how things are done.
RTO Initial Registration result
What others say about working with RTO Mentor over the years. Words from people who achieved RTO Inital registration using RTO Mentor, who have had internal audits, and had coaching with Merinda. See them here.
Are you considering setting up an RTO?
Setting up an RTO starts with planning. The foundation of a successful RTO service is really understanding the demographics that the service appeals to. Who are the people you will attract into your RTO? Where do they live, who do they interact with; are they old, young, men, women; do they enjoy certain activities?
Are you frustrated just like me?
The industry is changing rapidly, some would complain and argue about it, others are grateful of the changes. The fact is we need to be on a continuous learning journey. All of us, VET consultants as well.
Should I start an RTO business from scratch, or buy an existing one?
There are numerous factors to consider, so I’d like to offer a guide to help simplify your decision-making process. This article covers so many aspects. Starting at the approach of thoroughly evaluating all the potential advantages and disadvantages of buying an RTO before making your final decision. Have a look and see what not to miss
Using an RTO Consultant
Have you been searching for an RTO consultant?
This morning I heard another similar story to 3 others I heard in the past 2 days. Where the person had paid a large amount of money to an RTO consultant and had got a raw deal.
So how are you going to set up your RTO?
Have you analysed your opposition enough to develop the strategy to set your RTO apart?
Let me know your thoughts by sharing your comments below.
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