7 ways to have your RTO Employees Perform to your standards

Running an efficient training organisation means providing quality training and assessment as well as handling RTO employee issues when they surface. And when we look at it, managing employees can be one of the most difficult aspects of running your RTO.


Are your RTO employees Wide Awake?

During the many years of managing both national and small state based RTOs I have found that one of the weaknesses for an RTO is its staff not adhering to the policies and procedures. Yes we are all human, and try to take short cuts. And don’t get me wrong, in my past, as an employee, I tried every shortcut possible.

Until one day I woke up. I started to review the Standard operating procedures or the procedures as something that I needed to do, rather than pass them off as being paper work not worth reading. I realised that they had a purpose, and they actually could guide me to implement a better process. What made the change for me was having an ISO consultant in the business, who hounded me and my every move. That experience is something I value to this day.

Your RTO employees are not all out to get you. There are many reason why employees don’t do what they are supposed to do.  Often is it simply they don’t know why they should do it the way it is stated. Often times we think we are communicating, yet we are just sprouting out words.

The number one challenge that leaders have in their organisation...




RTO Set Up and RTO Business Coach

When trying to get your RTO employees to adhere to policies and procedures, you can try to intimidate employees into compliance.  You issue warnings, reprimand them, and offer greater (or fewer) tangible rewards.  Or you could use the art of influence. 

If each of us lead with the goal of connecting first and stop trying to communicate, that’s when things will change in your RTO.

The more you connect, the better you will be at understanding people, being non-judgemental, obtaining a greater knowledge of what’s really going on. You will take the time to add value to the people who you work. AND you will see the results in your team.

Here are seven ways to do that.

  1. Talk to your team, from the ground up. In fact start there.
  2. Clearly communicate the systems and standards at the beginning of their employment and in regular meetings.  This may also help to reduce employee complaints, absenteeism, and staff turnover.
  3. Explain the rationale behind the procedures, it could be for safety, compliance, best practice or any other reason.
  4. Check that you have explained it clearly, they know what to do, and verify your team knows what is expected to do.
  5. Communication often – maybe revisit the procedure once it is place and make sure it is working. If not, undertake continuous improvement. Remember Continuous improvement is important in RTOs.
  6. Make sure you do as the procedure says – always walk the talk yourself. That means you must also follow the correct procedure.
  7. Reward for compliance, and make sure there are consequences for noncompliance.
RTO Consultant RTO Mentor


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