RTO mentor RTO set up Perth


If individuals recognised that even engaging with this message is a gift, our world could radiate with greater joy and appreciation. These truths are undeniable.

Every morning, when we awaken to breathe the air and find our loved ones in good health, it marks the beginning of a wonderful day. Gratitude reshapes our perspectives on life’s challenges. With regular practice, it has the power to transform our entire existence.

As we inhale, we tap into the energy of creation, expanding our consciousness with each breath. Gratitude fills our hearts for the love surrounding us, for every individual, including YOU. Indeed, gratitude serves as the most potent elixir, nurturing our minds, bodies, and souls. Through gratitude, we magnetize more blessings into our lives.

While out in the paddock filling the horse trough, my horse made a playful splash of his nose a snort, followed by a gentle paw at the water. He covered me in water and I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. The sun shone high and whilst it wasn’t a stinker, it was certainly warm and the cool water was just what I needed. Reaching across, I affectionately rubbed his shoulder, feeling a rush of familiar warmth and contentment that horses always seem to evoke within me.

“Thanks buddy,” I expressed with a smile.

Gratitude flooded my being as he stood next to me content with the world around us. 

That is how I work with my horses. I am grateful. 

Every morning, as I wake up and head down to my horses, I am filled with this sense of gratitude, knowing that I am a winner.

Over the years I have learned to express gratitude at every moment. Even in the midst of seemingly bleak or dark circumstances, I’ve found that acknowledging the blessings in my life can dramatically shift my perspective. Each morning, before I even set foot in the paddock with my horses, I take a moment to express gratitude for their presence in my life. I extend my thanks to the trees that sway in the breeze and the very air I breathe. This intentional practice of gratitude serves as my anchor, ensuring that I’m already grounded in appreciation before the day unfolds, sparing me from the need to frantically search for gratitude when faced with unexpected challenges.

The power is within us 

Let us not underestimate the power of gratitude as the cornerstone of our relationships, whether with our fellow humans or the animals that share our lives. I feel it in my heart and allow it to radiate out to the world beyond. By embracing gratitude wholeheartedly, we lay the foundation for bonds built on mutual respect, deep understanding, and genuine appreciation. In doing so, we honour the interconnectedness of all beings and cultivate a sense of harmony and grace in our interactions.

Yet, why does genuine gratitude seem elusive for many?

Sincere gratitude seldom permeates daily experiences. Often, expressions of thanks are mere rote responses, lacking the depth of genuine appreciation. However, authentic gratitude is more than words, it is an emotion that profoundly impacts our well-being, and fortifying our immune systems. The connection of gratitude goes beyond our bodies, it is an energy that is far reaching.

Observing someone truly immersed in gratitude, whether for the simplest of pleasures or the grandeur of nature, reveals a profound energetic resonance. Rather than navigating life on autopilot, they pause to fully embrace the present moment, allowing the expansive emotion of gratitude to permeate their being, radiating kindness and positivity.

The practice of gratitude extends beyond mere acknowledgment of blessings; it’s a conscious choice to cultivate an attitude of abundance and appreciation. When we immerse ourselves in the depth of gratitude, we uplift our own spirits and contribute to the collective energy of positivity in the world.

However it is a practice that needs reminding. Embracing gratitude requires a shift in consciousness, a willingness to break free from habitual thinking. A practice that allows us to embrace the richness of each moment with an open heart. It demands a deliberate effort to pause, reflect, and genuinely connect with the blessings that surround us, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may appear.

Gratitude is a profound act of presence, an awareness of your thoughts and an interception. It is the acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all things and a celebration of the inherent beauty and abundance of life itself. As we awaken to the power of gratitude, we unlock the door to a life filled with joy, fulfilment, and boundless possibility.

Your RTO or training business 

As I finalised this post, I am wanting to say that gratitude within your RTO, or training business will make a difference. Incorporating a culture of gratitude into your professional environment can truly make a difference. Just as training horses has taught me invaluable lessons about working with adults, so too can the practice of gratitude enhance the dynamics within your organisation.

Whether the training involves equines or adults, gratitude serves as a powerful tool for fostering cooperation, building trust, and nurturing a positive learning environment. When trainers approach their work with a mindset of gratitude, they create a space where individuals feel valued, acknowledged, and motivated to excel.

Additonally, expressing gratitude towards clients, colleagues, and partners not only strengthens relationships but also cultivates a sense of loyalty and goodwill. It fosters a culture of appreciation where achievements are celebrated, challenges are met with resilience, and collective success is embraced.

Integrating gratitude into your RTO or training business isn’t just about being polite or courteous—it’s about recognizing and honoring the contributions of all those involved, and in doing so, creating a more enriching and fulfilling experience for everyone.

Make a positive impact on your day by breathing into the essence of gratitude, and allowing it to guide us towards a brighter, more radiant existence for ourselves and all beings.


RTO set up Perth