Consider in your RTO systems to have an Assessment Policy that describesthe purpose of assessment, the different pathways that a candidate can follow to gain a competency, procedures for recording results and recording feedback, and RPL.


It is not mandatory that you map to the unit of competence. It is however mandatory that you demonstrate how you will meet the unit of competence. Therefore most RTOs undertake mapping.

Mapping is a useful tool. RTOs will often use a mapping to identify what evidence and how much evidence (validity and sufficiency) will be used to make assessment judgements. The mapping also can be used:

  • To assist in validation of assessment tool and future customisation.
  • As a Third Party and Supporting evidence if identified.

To demonstrate you have covered all the required aspects of the unit of competence a thorough mapping MUST be completed for every unit you have on scope (the ones you plan to train and assess against).

When mapping use detail that can be reused, for example page numbers, question numbers, project numbers. I have seen mapping where it only includes ticks (P), which means you need to remap if you make a change. It also means it isn’t a useful tool when you are using it for validation purposes.

Don’t forget to map everything in your RPL to assist in assuring all unit requirements are met (if you have done this for your other assessments, then the task is smaller).

It is a decision process

When purchasing materials it is always a good idea to do your own analysis on whether the materials are valid to the unit requirements. You make the decision through a mapping process. If everything is covered then you are good to go. If there are gaps, then you will need to fill them.

Ultimately, mapping should be just one way you are ensuring that your training and assessment are meeting the required standards and ensuring high quality outcomes for your RTO and more importantly, your students! Quality training and assessment leads to quality outcomes.

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