Setting up your own Registered Training Organisation

Looking at setting up your own RTO?
I’d love to help you get your application across the line.
If you’re looking for a consultant, then watch the video to see a little bit more about the clients I work with.
RTO Set Up Review
Maybe you’ve done much of the work, and you want a second opinion before you submit everything to the Regulator – TAC, or ASQA.
Then I can also help. Book in for a 30 minute call, and we can discuss your situation

Ready to discuss your RTO now?
Registration Consulting Services
If you are looking to become an RTO and are seeking expert advice and guidance in regards to compliance we can help.
We provide a strutured approach so you can apply the process over and over gaining bigger and better results. Our RTO Consultants work with you to understand your business needs to ensure compliance is met.
How we work
We only do RTOs.
Yes that’s right – we cover RTO compliance, and don’t touch CRICOS or have additional IT such as Databases or an LMS. We know about these areas, however recommend experts to assist you. We just do training within your RTO – all day, every day (… and we actually love it).
We’ve got you covered.
At the beginning you’re not required to be an RTO compliance expert; that’s where we come in to assist you in becoming one. As we work togther, you will transform into someone who truly understands the requirements, from crafting the ideal training strategy to preparing all the necessary supporting evidence. We’ve got you covered throughout the entire journey.
Regular Online connection.
Our support comes in many forms, through regular online connection, to our online course materials. Whilst we try to meet face to face, it can be restricted, so we find the best way to connect is online. This means you can be based anywhere around Australia. We work with you. Weekly review of documents, online face to face sessions plus access to all the online training to set up and RTO.
We support you and your journey to set-up your RTO.
If you are looking for someone to guide through the complexities of the initial registration process for your own RTO then speak to RTO Mentor. RTO Mentor has worked with many people who have passed their audit with 100% compliance first up.
Next steps.
When you’re ready, simply click the button below and begin the application process. you’ll be taken to a view of my calendar, so you can book in 30 minutes to discuss your RTO. We look forward to hearing from you!
RTO Mentoring and Strong Support
With RTO Mentor you have support from people who have experience and know-how, to enable you to make better choices.
We love helping people grow, whether it is with marketing so that you can find more students, create more training and make more money… or whether we are showing someone how to simplify their training systems so they actually work for your business, and help you to implement them daily so you pass audits.
Working with us
If you...
I want to work with you if you’re interested in moving the bar, working on your RTO and understanding the requirements to help your business grow.
Lets look at the 3 Biggest Problems Faced by people considering setting up an RTO….
Merinda explains the real costs, timeframe and what you MUST know. Click the button below to download the content.
Have a question about your RTO?
Most frequent questions and answers
There are many factors to consider, including the size of the operation you wish to build. Consider the following factors:
- Course material
- Consulting fees
- Accounting fees
- Your time
- Premises (including any fit out costs)
- Equipment for delivery and assessment (including training aids)
- Student management systems
- Online learning solutions
- Trainers / Assessors & recruitment costs
- Application fee
Please take advantage of our complimentary 30 minute RTO Setup session so we can provide an accurate quote on our consulting fees to suit your needs.
The Regulators (ASQA and TAC) do not set an amount of cash that an RTO is required to hold when commencing. What you do need to do is demonstrate that your company meets the financial viability requirements. This document allows you to show how your operation will be a sustainable business. Therefore it is expected that you have sufficient funds to operate the business and cover costs.
Firstly you need to have the Training and Assessment Strategy, All of your Training and Assessment material, your systems to run the business, your staff files ready and the business plan. This can sometimes take 3-5 months, depending on the training you wish to conduct. This is where we help you, so that you can submit the online application. From that point you could be looking at 6-9 months before gaining RTO status.
You need to demonstrate that you have access to all required resources and equipment to deliver and assess any qualification you are applying for. Your show in your documented strategy how you will do this. The premises you use to deliver training could be online, hired facilities, workplace facilities or you may have your own. Whichever you decide, you need to show you have access at the time of application.